0 Identifying a Project Weaver/Champion – OHU

Identifying a Project Weaver/Champion

Service: Identifying a Project Weaver/Champion

Two roles which are important for the success of your project are a 'Champion' and a ‘Weaver'.


Identifying a Project Weaver/Champion

As mentioned in the Champion and Weaver tool, these two roles have been identified by Ohu as being the driving force and social compass for a community development. These two roles are distinct and are very rarely held by the same person. The skill sets held by each role are often opposite, yet complimentary. Both of these roles are vital as the differing viewpoints are needed for balance, drive and for a project to succeed from the viewpoint of investors, sponsors and the community.

This service builds on the Ohu tool and involves education and consultation regarding the importance of and identification of a champion and/or weaver. Ohu helps teams/organisations to identify these key personnel by:

  • Educating on the roles; building on the Ohu tool with examples and further explanation
  • Consulting on the importance of each role and how Ohu leads with this concept
  • Identification of personnel pool of potential weavers and champions
  • Workshopping and discussions on pool experience and resumes to determine best fit
  • Connecting of resources from different networks and/or aligned organisations

If desired, Ohu has a great team of weavers and champions that can be engaged to fulfil one of these roles if this is determined to be the best solution. As this is tailored to your situation, the first step is getting in contact and starting a dialog with Ohu.