472 Programme and Schedule – OHU

Programme and Schedule


Tool: Programme and Schedule

A guide on how to establish a programme that will be easily managed and adapted as your project gains momentum and as assumptions turn to actuality.


Programme and Schedule

There are currently many software options out there that aide in the design of programmes, these range from simple spreadsheets to integrated 3D visualisations, depending on the complexity of the project, personal preference or organisations preferred suppliers. This tool is overarching, aiming to outline key considerations, independent of what software or chalkboard you keep the information housed in.

Programme Elements:

  • Tasks - Item line, when establishing the programme the level of detail must be considered
  • Start, Finish, Duration - Make sure to be realistic with timelines
  • Dependencies/Constraints - Consider what needs to finish before another task can start, when approval meetings are held, what can be completed in unison etc
    Approvals and Milestones - These tasks should not have durations, marking key deliverables
  • Setting Parameters - such as holidays, 5 day working weeks, team members and assignments
  • Lead Time - Deliverables with long lead times must be taken into consideration
    Critical Path - The sequence of tasks that need the minimum time to complete a programme, any shift in tasks on the critical path will cause a shift in the critical path itself
  • Progress - Progress can often be captured on programme software and is a good way of capturing and displaying information
  • Baseline - The original programme, similar to project budget, shifts in the programme are monitored against the baseline.

Programme Management:
Programme management is paramount to keeping a project on track. Each project should have regular meetings, discussions and reviews of the programme to see how the project is progressing against schedule, to be considered at these reviews are:

  • Shift from baseline
  • Percentage Complete
  • Proposed change and how to manage that change
  • Integration of consultants and contractor programmes
  • Communication of the programme and programme updates to stakeholders and the wider community
  • Using the programme to manage internal deliverables, external contractors and stakeholders

If your community project requires further support or explanation of how to develop a programme for a community led development, or programme management throughout the lifecycle of a project, see Ohu service Programming and Planning or get in touch using our contact form.

For other Project Documentation Tools, see the Property Pillar.