0 Design Brief – OHU

Design Brief


Tool: Design Brief

A design brief articulates the key requirements for the project.


Design Brief

Design briefs are a key resource to capture the desired look and feel required from the final design; referencing design guidelines and specifying key requirements. Design briefs allow community builders and champions to articulate guiding principles when going out to tender and managing the designer post engagement. Without a design brief, developments can lose site of the projects purpose and it may result in scope creep.

Design briefs are not one size fits all, however we have developed a simple template to prompt you in developing your own: Design Brief Template

When writing a Design Brief It is important to take into account and consider:

  • Design and Designer management
  • How best to describe deliverables
  • How to articulate desired look and feel
  • Keeping community involved in the process

For further information on design in community centered projects, see Ohu’s services on Designing Connected Spaces and Co-Design, or contact Ohu to learn more.