0 XCHC 2.0 – OHU

XCHC 2.0

July 11, 2017
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XCHC 2.0

XCHC’s purpose is to cultivate a creative ecology, we do this by bringing like minded people together to support each other through their creative development.

The intention of developing XCHC 2.0 is to build New Zealand’s first mixed-use, community-owned, co-living co-working facility to strengthen communities’ creative and cultural sector. This will be based on a regenerative financial model, supporting creativity and wellbeing.

Ohu is supporting the XCHC with the vision, strategy and financial model to realise this initiative

XCHC is a 'for purpose' business set up to benefit the community by providing a place for creative practitioners to develop their practice, share ideas and knowledge, and connect with other creative practitioners.

XCHC provides three unique yet connected areas: makerspace, showcase space, and the cafe/bar. Their close proximity enables the casual exchange of knowledge between the creative disciplines. Additionally, by providing a place for creative practitioners to meet one another it lends to building a community of interest around the creative industries. The three areas of focus are:

XCHC (Exchange Christchurch) has been open since August 1 2014.  It is currently renting with the lease expiring in 2 years.  

Social Purpose

XCHC’s purpose is to cultivate a creative ecology, it does this by providing a encouraging space for people to share and develop their creative practices.

Stage of Development


Project Lead

Contact Preston Hegel 

Next Steps

Develop business plan

Identify potential sites

Build governance team

Develop pathway aligned with timeline

Knowns / Unknowns / Barrier

Unknown: future location

Knowns: need to raise funds to purchase a building and do a fit out

Estimated Costs

~2 million

Projected Return

Hire space to creatives generates a return to cover operations cost

Creates meaningful employment

Social Ecology

  • Residents who develop creative works
  • Event Hosts who share creative works
  • Public who experience and give feedback on the creative works
  • XCHC team (staff and board)

Preston Hegel


Preston Hegel


Preston Hegel has been managing XCHC since May 2016 and recently joined the Exchange Foundation Trust to lead the future development of XCHC. To find out more about Preston check out this interview: http://www.xchc.co.nz/blog/2016/5/2/preston-hegel-xo.

XCHC 2.0 is a mixed-use, community-owned, co-living co-working facility dedicated to strengthening the creative and cultural sector.