0 Designing Connected Spaces – OHU

Designing Connected Spaces

Package: Designing Connected Spaces

Creating community through the connection and design of spaces.


Designing Connected Spaces

This is a core offering of Ohu’s. Design is pivotal to ensure the physical built environment contributes to the creation of thriving communities with strong social ecologies that endure. Ohu supports property development that captures and enhances communities connectivity and uniqueness, rather than isolating individuals in a busy space. Ohu will work with you to:

  • Define your end-user and what makes your community tick
  • Translate these defining features into design requirements and deliverables
  • Investigate world standards and global trends of ‘bump space’ architecture
  • Determine what social benefits are tangible, how to measure these and putting tracking in place to measure these benefits during the development, upon opening and in operation

Tools and Services likely to feature in this package include:

All Ohu packages are adapted to your requirements and the needs of your community. Get in contact to start the first steps of designing your development to connect your community.