0 Ideation Guide – OHU

Ideation Guide


Tool: Ideation Guide

A road map for turning your idea into a defined concept.


Ideation Guide

To define your idea, requires an understanding of your vision, mission and purpose, what your objectives are, what you know, what you do not, and what the steps are to move forward. This is a high level explanation of the key elements to consider at this stage of the project lifecycle. Ideation includes asking yourself, your team and your community:

  • What your idea entails (what you know)
  • What you are trying to achieve (what's the problem you are trying to solve)
  • What are your knowns and unknowns
  • What you need to do next

Ohu uses a Ideation Assessment Criteria to support this phase, for the projects they lead, in order to determine whether they are worthwhile pursuing. The assessment is based on Ohu’s Vision, Mission and Purpose.

Ideation goes hand and hand with defining your vision, mission and purpose statements and often doesn’t come up with a definitive solution, rather unrefined options. These options naturally lead a team to start developing the projects business case and feasibility studies. As you can see, ideation makes an idea a project and is the perfect starting point. See Ohu’s Project Ideation services and packages to get a good grasp on the many elements that make up this project phase, or get in contact with Ohu who has recently completed this phase on some of their projects and would love to share learnings and progress.